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How to Find the Best Salespeople: Tips and Tricks

Vertriebler / Sales Expert

Recruiting top salespeople is crucial for any company. Good salespeople significantly contribute to business success by generating revenue and building long-term customer relationships. But how do you find the best salespeople? In this blog post, we share proven strategies and tips from our comprehensive guide, which you can download for free to gain even more […]

Social Media Recruiting: Boosting trivago’s Jobs via Our Channels

Employer Brand & Social Media Recruiting

  Case Study: In a recent social media recruiting collaboration, trivago partnered with our team at CareerBee to promote their open job positions and highlight their unique work culture. By leveraging CareerBee’s social media channels, including LinkedIn, Instagram, and TikTok, we aimed to increase brand awareness, engagement, and drive job applications for trivago. This case […]

Job Description: A Template for Sales Positions

Stellenanzeige Muster für Stellen im Vertrieb

A well-thought-out job description is the first step to attracting outstanding sales talent to your company. An effective job ad consists of several essential building blocks that ensure your ad is not only found but also read and understood. In this blog post, we will discuss all the important components of a successful job description […]

Employer Branding: The role of social media

Employer Branding: Social Media

In our last blog post, we talked about designing an appealing career page. Today, we are focusing on another crucial aspect of employer branding: the use of social media. Social media is far more than just a communication channel – it’s a valuable tool to strengthen your employer brand and attract the best talents to […]

Outplacement – Definition, Insights and Prices

outplacement Beratung

In today’s fast-paced working world, changes and restructuring within companies are commonplace. These processes can often lead to difficult decisions such as layoffs. Many companies turn to outplacement consultants to help employees transition to a new job and support them during unemployment. This serves to socially cushion the decision and positively impacts the company’s reputation. […]

Employer Branding: How to design a strong Career Website


In today’s world, the competition for the best talent is more intense than ever. Companies must not only stand out through their products or services but also be attractive as employers. This is where employer branding comes into play. In this blog series, we will examine various aspects of employer branding. We will show how […]

IT recruiting: 10 platforms and strategies to find top tech talent

IT Recruiting

In today’s highly technologized world, IT  professionals are indispensable for companies and projects. However, the search for the top IT talents often proves to be a challenge for recruiters and businesses. Faced with growing competition and constant innovations, it is crucial to utilize the right strategies and platforms to identify and reach out to top […]

5 common mistakes in active sourcing and how to avoid them

Active Sourcing Strategy

In today’s highly competitive job market, simply posting job ads and waiting for applications to come in is often not enough. To find and attract the best talents, more and more companies are turning to active sourcing. This proactive method allows recruiters to actively search for suitable candidates, engage with them, and get them excited […]

The best recruiting agencies in Germany for sales positions

More and more companies are collaborating with recruitment agencies when it comes to filling sales positions. But why? In today’s business environment, characterized by constant change and increasing competition, an effective sales team is crucial for a company’s success. However, finding and hiring qualified sales employees can be a real challenge, especially due to the […]